Nuviz Head Up Display

Nuviz Head Up Display

Product Packaging

Client: Nuviz
Services: Packaging ConceptsArt DirectionFinal ArtworkPrototypingTesting

The Brief

We partnered with Nuviz design and marketing teams to create a packaging solution that supports the premium brand positioning of the product and guide the user’s first-use of the product. There was also a need to create a flexible accessory packaging system to accommodate wide variation of different accessories and create a family of Nuviz packaging. The system had to support both retail and online shipping considerations.

The Solution

Product and accessories packaging create a unified premium portfolio for Nuviz. The brand stands out with finessed print effects from matt black surfaces.

In the product package, a Quick Guide welcomes you to the product and guides you through the assembly process, visually, step by step. The order of reveal and compartmentalization of items is carefully considered and supports the assembly of the product to your motorcycle. Icons guide you through the opening experience.

Within the accessories packaging, content has been visualized for maximum clarity, whilst keeping a premium feel to the overall offering. The accessory packaging system has been simplified to accommodate large variation of accessories in minimum amount of packaging parts.


Nuno Silva

Nuviz Head Up Display Nuviz Head Up Display Nuviz Head Up Display Nuviz Head Up Display